The Great Resignation Letter Generator – by

Written by Lotte van RijswijkLotte van Rijswijk

We’re in the midst of The Great Resignation, where workers worldwide are quitting their jobs in record numbers. If you’ve decided to move on from your current role, then make sure to use‘s new tool to write the perfect resignation letter.

Deciding to leave your job is not easy. But getting out should be. Around 25% of workers quit their jobs in 2021. And around 40% are trying to make that decision right now. This moment has been called the Great Resignation – and the world will look back on it as a point when workers took back control of their destiny.

Reasons for quitting have multiplied as the pandemic dragged on. Some employees lost faith in bosses who put profit above safety or failed to reach into their pockets when times got tough. Others couldn’t face the prospect of going back to the office when things leveled out. In unprecedented circumstances, the labor force is taking unprecedented steps.

“Workers are burned out. They’re fed up. They’re fried,” says Robert Reich, former U.S. Secretary of Labor. “In the wake of so much hardship and illness and death during the past year, they’re not going to take it anymore.”

More positively, some workers quit after finding new interests, new angles, or a whole new way of life during lockdown. It has been an eye-opening period. But whatever your reason for resigning, it is important to do it right. For your dignity. For your reputation. And, indeed, to make sure that it’s actually official.

That means writing a professional resignation letter. It’s a simple task but feels like a massive obstacle when you’ve just made the momentous decision to leave. So, has made it easy for you to join the Great Resignation: choose your reason and leave a date in the interactive below, and we’ll produce a free resignation letter for you to paste into your word processor of choice.

With that part done, scroll on for our step-by-step guide to handing over your letter and dropping that mic.




By Troy Hopkins
Troy Hopkins Director, Undergraduate Career Counseling