A step-by-step blueprint for finding and positioning yourself for the perfect tech job! Want a Tech Job but Don’t Know Where to Start? Tell me if this sounds familiar:
- You’ve always been passionate about tech – the sexiest gadgets, the latest apps
- You know that tech is the future – from schools to taxis to thermostats, everything’s going digital
- And you’d love to work for a cool tech company – from Google to Snapchat to Tesla
Find Your Fit wasn’t designed to be a traditional class. Instead, it was crafted to be a step-by-step path to finding the perfect tech role for you. It’s not a blog or a boring MOOC where you sit back and listen passively while never getting any closer to your goal. Instead, it’s a 100% action-based approach to breaking into tech.
Click here to access details in Gateway.
Not a Bauer College student or Alumnus? You can learn more about this workshop at https://www.thejobinsiders.com/