MBA Company Trek
What Is It?
An MBA Trek is a 2-3 hour visit in which Bauer MBA and MS graduate students are able to get an inside look at a company’s headquarters. This includes various companies across a wide variety of industries.
A typical visit may include the following:
- Catered Breakfast/Lunch (Depending on the time of the visit)
- Welcome (Senior Executive or Human Resources)
- Recruiting Overview
- Office Tour
- Functional Panel or Separate Functional Expert Presentations
- 30-minute Networking Session
This program began in the Spring of 2016. It provides Bauer Business Graduate students with an inside look at the operations and culture of a company. The company visit is designed to be an experiential learning opportunity. However, it is also a great branding and recruiting opportunity for your company. We would love for our next Company Visit to be at your Corporate Headquarters or Local Office!
- Expand student learning from the classroom into industry
- Show off your company culture and why it’s so great to work there
- Engage alumni from your company
- Network with and recruit great talent from a ranked MBA/MS program!
- Connect and Share Innovative Ideas
Companies we have partnered with:
Want the Opportunity to Host?
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