There is a lot of pressure once you are in college or graduate school to decide what you are going to do after graduation. Deciding what field, industry, and vocation to pursue so that you can decide on a major or track can be daunting. The Rockwell Career Center has assessments and resources that can help with this decision.
The first assessment that we highly recommend is CareerLeader.
CareerLeader’s data-driven insights help business students and rising executives make better career choices and decisions. The assessment explores a self-evaluation of a person’s skills, interests, motivations, and culture fit to rank specific business careers from best to worst fit for that individual.
This assessment is designed and administrated by an outside company so it is an assessment that students pay for themselves*. Normally the assessment is $99, but Bauer undergraduates can use the discount code bauerundergrad-careermap when they sign up to drop the price to $30.
*Note: MBA and MS Business students (not including MS Accountancy) get access to CareerLeader during Bauer orientation. If you are an MBA or MS Business student please contact your Career Counselor for assistance with access to CareerLeader.
The assessment will take 45-60 minutes to complete. Please take the assessment in a place where you will have few distractions. Once you have completed the assessment, you can make an appointment in Bauer Career Gateway to go over the assessment with your Career Counselor.
When you have decided what career path to pursue, the next step is to take the experience you have had so far and relate it as best as possible to what you want to do next.
Once your resume is ready, navigate to VMock Career Fit. Built on predictive analytics and data science, Career Fit identifies the best fit careers and provides recommendations to better prepare you for your target career.
We also strongly recommend students speak to Bauer faculty and staff that oversee specific departments and academic tracks related to the different specializations at Bauer.
Interested in a particular industry? Check out the industry research links in Bauer Career Gateway under External Links.
As always, if you have additional questions, please contact your Career Counselor.