Corporate Projects: Connecting Bauer to Business
The corporate projects are group research projects that culminate in a final deliverable, usually a PowerPoint presentation and executive summary. Corporate sponsors choose a project topic relevant to their company and on which they would like to have some research done and hear a new perspective from the next generation of business professionals.
All project descriptions are uploaded to the class Blackboard site at the start of the semester. Students select a project that matches their interests. Groups are usually made up of eight students.
Work begins approximately one month after the start of classes, with the corporate sponsor holding a kick-off meeting with the students, either at the sponsor’s office or on campus, to explain the project. One student is the designated communicator and sends the sponsor weekly updates, asking questions as necessary.
Projects conclude seven weeks later on a due date set by the course instructor. All groups are required to send their sponsor a copy of the final deliverable on that date, and most groups give a PowerPoint presentation to the company onsite. The corporate sponsor provides a project grade by filling out a simple grading rubric.
If you would like more information about corporate projects, contact Corporate Projects Manager, Valerie Paul at Please feel free to also download the Corporate Project’s Brochure here.
If you would like assistance in building a presence on campus, please contact your Recruiting Manager directly at 832.842.6120.