
Houston Open Golf Tournament Is Looking for Volunteers

Looking for an un-fore-gettable volunteering experience? Enjoy a day of golf while networking with executives from some of our top hiring employers at the Houston Open!

If you’re free for either 12 hours total or 3 shifts between Wednesday Oct …

By Michael Fulfs
Michael Fulfs
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Congrats Van on your Full-Time Job with Ernst & Young!

Congrats Van, on your full-time offer from Ernst & Young!

Can you walk us through the steps you took to get this job?

I attended a Bauer Career Mixer, talked to a recruiter, and went through a virtual interview. Then …

By Michael Fulfs
Michael Fulfs
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Congratulations Bhavna on your internship with ION Geophysical!

Congratulations Bhavna, on your internship with ION Geophysical!

Can you walk us through the steps you took to get this internship?

I applied to the job on Indeed. The company asked me to send my transcript and then I was …

By Michael Fulfs
Michael Fulfs
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Congratulations Farhan on your Internship with ICNA Relief Organization

Congratulations Farhan, on your internship with ICNA Relief Organization!

Can you walk us through the steps you took to get this internship?

A year ago, I saw on social media that the number of activities that the ICNA relief organization …

By Michael Fulfs
Michael Fulfs
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Congratulations Rachel on your full-time offer with Chubb!

Congrats Rachel, on your full-time offer with Chubb Global Casualty!

Can you walk us through the steps you took to get this job?

I knew I wanted to work within the Risk Management and Insurance industry, but I didn’t know …

By Michael Fulfs
Michael Fulfs
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